WhyFire Sales Accelerator

A simple weekly rhythm to help you manage your team—and skyrocket their sales.

WhyFire Sales Accelerator

A simple weekly rhythm to help you manage your team—and skyrocket their sales.

Weekly Rhythm:

      • Monday: Sales Training Video
      • Wednesday: Customer Follow-Up Reminder
      • Friday: Weekly Progress Report


      • Live Sales Training Call Every Month


We send your team a 5-10 minute sales training video to help them close more sales that week.


We send your team a reminder to follow up with four customers that day—and a tip on how to do it.


We send your team a weekly progress report to complete that goes straight to their manager.

Get the Tools to Finally Manage Your Sales Team

• Create a sales process that doesn’t rely solely on you.

• Sharpen your team by giving them training every week.

• Understand what your team is doing week in and week out. 

• Manage your team like never before.

• Train your team to get more sales than ever before.

Transform Your Sales Funnel